In order to ensure that customers receive the most suitable roll forming machine for your needs, our technical and sales team will study in detail in advance to meet your requirements. Contact us and we will give you some suggestions that you would like to buy the machine without any cost, will provide technical advice, conceptual design and logistics planning to best suit your commercial necessities and different kinds of terms of trade.
Our professionally trained sales are on hand to assure the quality and effectiveness of your machine purchase. We will attend and manage your orders and inquiries very carefully to assist you in all the steps and also to help you to save more during your business.
If you purchase a Huaheng machine you have the best in the industry in terms of reliability & performance. Our machines help provide customers with a competitive advantage through important factors such as; ‘Whole of life’ cost Less machine downtime increasing productivity levels Waste minimisation However, as with any intricate & complex piece of machinery, in order to maintain reliability and performance a machine must be regularly serviced, through a structured preventative maintenance programme. Huaheng dedicated Service Support Team can address all your servicing needs, from day to day service and repair to complete Service Level Agreements. Typical Services Huaheng provides include: Control Upgrades Drive Upgrades Retooling Guillotine Blades; service and/or replacement